Don't you love the age of Web 2.0? Back in 1999, my company spent maybe thirty grand to build an e-commerce platform that took months to program and at the end of the day was a piece of crap. I was able to build this web-store in about an hour. It's still a piece of crap, but it was free.
Please let me present to you the "Floyd Landis Is A Loser" collection.
I was going to go with "Floyd Sucks" as the tag-line but then I remembered I'm 40 now with a 4 year old. Many of you have kids as well. Since I wouldn't mind a few sales, a "PG" rating made more sense.
So it seems like Sioda is back in business, at least for a minute. This whole thing is just too much of a hot issue to ignore. I'll probably keep the store up a month or two. It really depends how "postal" (pun intended) Lance goes on Landis and/or how long this thing drags on. It may be awhile - Landis doesn't seem to know when to quit, and Armstrong will probably not back down.
At first I was trying to come up with some clever artwork. But in the end, I think the block text just works. I should start shipping in 10 days or so.
I will be donating all profits to the Challenged Athletes Foundation. Please check out their website as this is a fantastic cause. Let's support disabled athletes who give their all for the love of sport as opposed to guys like Landis who cheat, then lie, then steal, then lie some more.
This is awesome man. I will be ordering one for sure!
Pretty funny!
THose are great!!!
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