Friday, July 16, 2010

A mad crazy shout-out to all runners (except those who live in the coastal areas of California, Oregon and Washington)

 Of course, choosing to run in a place with zero shade doesn't help...

I've been reading a whole bunch of your posts about the heat, and more specifically how you have been dealing with it on your runs.  Some run early, some run late.  Some just power through it.  And some run on a treadmill, which to me is akin to having your eyes removed with a white hot knife.

In Southern California, we have this weather condition known as "June Gloom",  which is the formation of a marine cloud layer over the coast due to the hot desert air hitting the colder air coming in from off shore.  I think this happens to a certain degree all the way up the coast.  Essentially, this means that May and June tend to be cloudy and cool.  This year, it didn't really start getting sunny and warm until this past week.

So today I headed out for a trail run with a temperature of 82 degrees (I know EMZ, I should just quit complaining, right  This is hot for me.  And though I'd feel OK running into the wind, the minute I turned around I knew it was gonna get steamy.

On the second half of the run I was suffering.  I'm just not used to the heat anymore.  I grew up in Massachusetts and lived through it all - heat, humidity and cold.  But when you move to a meteorlogically compressed place like California you loose your tolerance fast.

At least I can bust out the sleeveless jerseys and equalize the "bike jersey" tan lines...

This is actually a competitive disadvantage.  If I ever want to race somewhere with harsher weather or at altitude, it's going to be tough.  Severe weather is something that rarely think about.  When I was talking to Riley today (who lives in New Jersey), he was saying that he's going to have to start looking for cold weather cycling gear soon, (yes, here comes the shameless plug du jour) so it looks like EAP will have to work on this sooner than later.  Maybe 2012.

So to all you runners out there with exception of those who live in the coastal areas of the West Coast, I just want you to know that I know that you guys roll extremely hardcore in the summer.  Keep up the good work.  And if you ever see me at one of your local races during the summer, just know you are about smoke me out on the course.

Post run.  One of my feet, two of Ian's.


Aimee said...

Way to get out there in the heat! I think the high here is going to be 100 degrees tomorrow! Yikes! It should make my long run and long bike ride very interesting!

Kathleen said...

The heat is making me melt. Yep, 100 degrees tomorrow. My long run will quickly turn into a walk/crawl.
I totally get what you mean about not being used to the extremes in weather. I grew up in CT and then lived in FL for 10 years. When I ended up in CO and the cold it wasn't pretty. Of course the East Coast weather is worse but I just wasn't used to it anymore. (still am not). Good for you for getting out there today!

Jennifer said...

I grew up in NY, NJ and lived for a bit in CT and MA. Luckily for me I did not start running until I had lived in MS for nearly 8 years. Not that it makes it easier, just maybe crazier that I would actually choose to run here. It's all realative. Anyway if it was easy your mother would be doing it!

Jon said...

I guess I am moving to California!

Tri-James said...

The heat makes you strong. Fall PR’s here I come!

Not that it matters much for me but I have heard South Mississippi is a great place to train for Kona. Heat, humidity and no distractions.

KovasP said...

I actually like running in the heat and getting super sweaty (except for occasional nipple chafe). Most of my training is early morning, so it's usually not too hot or humid. I think mostly I like being in the sun.

Unknown said...

82 degrees? Hot? Dude, us Houstonians have that in January sometimes! I was just looking at the historical temps for my HIM on November 7th and I would be thrilled if it cooled off to 82 degrees! However, if you keep training in it you will get stronger - no doubt. When I go inside to the treadmill I feel like a running rockstar, so I guess in a weird way the heat has some advantages.

64 CLASSIC said...

Heat? I went out this morning at 6:15 a.m. The temp was only 74 degrees. However---according to the weather channel the humidity was 95%.

The air was practically raining. Temp wise, 74 is fantastic. The humidity is what makes it here in the midwest just miserable.

Hope everyone is functioning well. It does seem to be a dominant issue on most blogs I read as well.

Lucas R. Tucker said...

82? When I ran at 0730 this morning it was already 85 with 80% humididty adn the some had only been out for 15 minutes.

Glenn Jones said...

Man. They roll hardcore summer and winter! Us Southern Californian's are wimps when it coes to winter. But it's for the same reason a dog likcks his balls. Becuase he can....

Bryan S said...

I agree with Jeff, in a sick and twisted way the heat helps us. I am hoping to kill Chicago after running in this Oklahoma heat. Keep up the good work man. I may need to visit California for a couple of long runs next month!


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