Saturday, May 8, 2010

Training Schedule

Since I log my training at, my training weeks run Sunday-Saturday. Which I guess makes sense since weeks run Sunday-Saturday. Did you ever wonder why that is? I never did until 2 seconds ago. This article sheds some light on the answer, but it's honestly more than I was asking for. You've been warned.


Anyways, I think I've finally found a training schedule that not only addresses my volume/recovery requirements, but manages to make the family and the boss happy. The only thing I'm going to need to work on is finding some more time for the Sunday long bike ride (need to get that up distance-wise). That will inevitably be a case of me getting my lazy butt out of bed earlier.

Sunday: (Morning) 1:30 Bike (25 Miles); Sunday (Evening) :40 Short Run (4-5 Miles)

Monday: (Lunch) 1:00 Bike (18 Miles); Monday (Evening) Weight Training

Tuesday: (Late Afternoon) 1:00 Medium Run (7 Miles)

Wednesday: (Lunch) 1:00 Bike (18 Miles); Monday (Evening) Weight Training

Thursday: (Late Afternoon) 1:00 Swim

Friday: (Late Afternoon) 1:20 Long Run (10 miles)

Saturday: (Morning) 1:00 Swim

I don't schedule days off. I'll take one if I need to, but with my swimming being the only thing I do on those particular days, it seems to work pretty well as active recovery. And I usually need to take a quick trip somewhere for work that by default gives me 2-3 days off a month.

I work at home, so the prep time for a run or bike is minimal. And the deal I cut with my boss is that I can either do a "lunch" or cut out a little early. It's good to have the support of your job to stay in shape. It must be because they are Canadian - this seems to rarely be the norm here in the US.

My family is happy, because except for the weight training sessions, I'm finished up by 5:30 or 6. So we have plenty of evenings together.

So there you go, it may not sound like a super huge deal, but I'm pretty stoked on it.


Jennifer said...

I haven't been swimming in a month and started back last week. I had forgotten how good a recovery workout it is. Great schedule! Keeps you busy and well rounded as an athlete. Like you I find the time to do my long rides the hardest, I am pretty slow so it takes even longer than most people! Keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

Good schedule! I, like you, work from home and really feel fortunate for this!

FWIW, you can change the schedule at to start the weeks off on Mondays. Just go to the setting and it is one of the options. I personally like to have my Sat and Sun in the same weeks since I sometimes swap the days around (long ride and long run). This way my weekly totals from one week to the next are not skewed because of the day of a run or bike.

KovasP said...

Now I feel like a complete lazy-ass (which I of course, am); well-planned schedule! I always take a rest day Mondays, run Tuesday (Tempo), Thursday (speedwork), and Saturdays (LSD), bike Wednesday (Tempo or Hills), Friday (Intervals), and Sundays (LSD). I've been swimming on and off Friday mornings, but will probably do back to backs on Saturday/Sunday unless I find time during the week. I don't live near water and the pools around here have hours that I can't imagine anyone normal can keep, so that's pretty much that. Anyway, if this doesn't get you fit for Solana, I'm not sure what could - keep it up!

Barbie said...

I must admit, I try not to schedule a day off unless my body asks for it or I just cant squeeze exercise into my day. Your schedule looks great. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

I think a schedule works wonders, I have days off, but due mostly to babysitting issues, as dave works late and goes in early. On those days, I make sure we walk somewhere, play tag, or otherwise active play. It is slower than a workout, but better than nothing. How much weight training is involved in pushing strollers up our hill?

Unknown said...

That is some serious training!! I love to schedule my training and yet am so bad at scheduling said time! Its great so see others post their schedules! Thanks!


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